
Randax supplies propulsion pm-motors for Rem Offshore next Generation Offshore Vessel

Randax proudly presents a new high-level project with Haf Power Solutions (HPS), part of ACEL group in Norway. HPS supplies CLion DC Grid for the Rem Offshore Vessel built at Myklebust Shipyard in Norway and has chosen Randax to supply permanent magnet motors. Next Generation Offshore Vessel is full of advanced modern technology including dual-fuel methanol engines in combination of battery packs enabling the vessel to operate net zero emission.

Randax delivery consists of 3MW main propulsion motors, 1,8 MW bow tunnel thruster motor, 1,5MW bow tunnel thruster motor and 1,5MW bow combi tunnel / retractable azimuth thruster motor . All motors are with the highest efficiency and compact sized PM-machines, Vertical mounted V1 and Water-cooled representing modern, state of the art motor technology.

Motor integration with thruster units and controlling frequency drives will be designed in close collaboration with their suppliers and HPS. Executing design project like this, Randax provides best service and advantages for client. Last, but not least, new motors will come with very nice-looking appearance, high quality and in refreshing colours.


Randax Permanent magnet motors – Tailored for your needs.

We design and manufacture advanced permanent magnet motors and generators for industrial equipment manufacturers and certified propulsion motors for marine industry.

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