Stator and Rotor Units
Heart & soul to your machine – by Randax
Randax delivers permanent magnet stator rotor units (SRU) to be integrated into your machinery and awaken it alive. You can concentrate to your core expertise while we take care of electric machine development to meet your requirements in compact and energy efficient way. Together we find best solution for your application making selection in close cooperation during development phase.
Randax have several references for developed stator rotor units including propulsion pod systems in marine, special pumping applications in civil engineering water management and very special submerged motor applications in dredging industry just to mention few.

Randax PM stator rotor unit can be operated as a motor and/or generator, which is quite common in modern machinery. Our selection includes several different sizes and pole number designs to cover wide speed and power range up to 3MW and few thousand RPM depending on the case. Liqued-cooling is most favourable when making compact machine, but stator rotor unit is also possible to fit in air-cooled machine.
For low-speed application operating at speed of few hundreds RPM, multipole surface mounted permanent magnet design (SPM) is usually most favorable choice. When going higher speeds, above thousand RPM, embedded design with interior magnets in the rotor with fewer poles, becomes more favorable.

In most of the cases SRU delivery includes also drive shaft where rotor is mounted. Randax also provides mounting service so we can mount the stator to customers frame.
Randax permanent magnet SRU can be designed exactly to fit in your machinery speed and power range. When you need heart and soul into your machine to awaken it alive, contact Randax, and we offer our best proposal for you!
Contact Us:

Kimmo Huurinainen
Product Development / Sales
Tel. +358 44 734 6227

Kalle Holappa
Production Manager / Purchasing
Tel. +358 44 734 6311

Berend Muis
Netherlands, Belgium, Germany & UK
Tel. +31 6 22 40 75 74 berend.muis@randax.fi